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Please support our work for the honey bee
The Natural Beekeeping Trust currently receives the majority of our funding from individual donors. Please support our work for the honey bee and the environment.
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Thanks to the generosity of our supporters we have been able to engage in publications of various kinds and support others' wonderful endeavours on behalf of the bees. This has included the production of films, the funding of research into pesticides, encouraging re-wilding activities across the country and abroad, and helping artists whose work is directed at raising the profile of the bees. Find out about the Trust's sponsorship grants here. We have also been able to travel to attend events and conferences to represent wherever possible our approach to bees in public settings.
Our involvement in the inspiring new Journal for Bee-Centered Beekeeping, Natural Bee Husbandry, has considerably widened our outreach; we are delighted with the new forms of working together that have arisen from this.
We engage in sustained public relations work on behalf of the bees through social media and actively maintain an informal worldwide network of bee guardians.
Our continued work on our website means that it remains an unequalled resource for uncompromising bee-centered advocacy and support. In this way we are able to make a substantial contribution to validating an approach to bees that is closely orientated by the ways bees live in the wild.
Whilst the bulk of this work is carried out by a small number of trustees on a voluntary basis, we are much strengthened in our resolve by the heart-warming support of others, financial and otherwise. Thank you!
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We would like to thank Elka de Wit and her company 34.4º for generously supporting the Trust’s many projects
Bee Built, a company from Oregon USA that is passionate about bees, craftsmanship and sustainability.
We are grateful for their support of bee centered beekeeping.
Finca La Donaira is an eco retreat of discreet luxury, organic farm, equestrian centre and home to one of the Natural Beekeeping Trusts re-wilding projects - located on the top of the Andalusian Serranía de Ronda, in southern Spain.
Beware the Moon, a company specializing on highly original hand-drawn wallpapers, are is also supporting the Trust on a regular basis. We are grateful for the association with such creative sponsors who appreciate our work.
If you prefer, payment can also be made by bank transfer or standing order to the account below. Please send us an email to tell us you have done this and use your name as a reference. Thank you.
Bank: Wise
Account: Natural Beekeeping Trust
Account number: 87066454
Sort code: 23-14-70
IBAN: GB58 TRWI 2314 7087 0664 54
Please be assured that every £1 you give to the Natural Beekeeping Trust helps to create positive change for our bees and our environment.

The Natural Beekeeping Trust is a registered charity organised by a small team of dedicated people, who work in their spare time. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact us.