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Add an event

If you would like to add and event related to natural beekeeping or free living bees please enter your event information below.  We suggest a donation to the trust for fee paying events to support the running of this service. The next event to run will always appear on the front page of the Trust's web site. Events will expire on the day the event starts. The Trust reserves the right to decline promoting any events that do not align with the ethos of this site.

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Events look like this, and you will need to tell us:

  • The type of event  - Online, Conference, Workshop etc.

  • The Start Date

  • The Duration - Hours, Days, Weekly Schedule

  • The Event Title

  • The mimimum price

  • A link to your event page for further information

  • An image of square aspect ratio.




Your event details:

All fields are required *

We will use this to let you know when the event is published.

Keep to less than 60 characters

Keep to less than 16 characters. Examples:

Online, Conference, Workshop, Online & In Person

Suggested Durations:

2 hrs, 4 Sessions weekly Wednesday, 2 days

From price should include currency. For example:

$50, FREE, 10-20€

Start date. The event will disappear from the site after this date.

Select File

Image format: Good quality Jpeg or PNG, Square aspect ratio


Please allow time for the Image to upload

Your event information has been success upload. We will contact you after it has been published.

There was a problem with you upload - please contact

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